David Shaw - 2nd Parvasi Media Interview

Parvasi Media's host Rajinder Saini welcomes David Shaw, pro-freedom mayoral candidate for Mississauga for this second interview. 

Main topic:  Ending mandates and required vaccinations since they are experimental and proven to be dangerous. 

David Shaw's Website:  https://iwillworkforthepeople.ca

Email David Shaw to request a lawn sign or to volunteer:  MayorDavid2022Mississauga@proton.me

Parvasi Media Group is a news source for the Punjabi and South Asian community with excellent coverage of Canadian and international news.

The English introduction starts at the 0:44 timestamp.

David Shaw - 2nd Parvasi Media Interview

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Parvasi Media's host Rajinder Saini welcomes David Shaw, pro-freedom mayoral candidate for Mississauga for this second interview. 

Main topic:  Ending mandates and required vaccinations since they are experimental and proven to be dangerous. 

David Shaw's Website:  https://iwillworkforthepeople.ca

Email David Shaw to request a lawn sign or to volunteer:  MayorDavid2022Mississauga@proton.me

Parvasi Media Group is a news source for the Punjabi and South Asian community with excellent coverage of Canadian and international news.

The English introduction starts at the 0:44 timestamp.

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