David Shaw - How I Would Ensure the Police Follow the Rules as Mayor

In this brief video, David Shaw answers the question, “How will you ensure the Police will follow the rules?” 

For more info on David Shaw and his views, see:   https://iwillworkforthepeople.ca

To write to David Shaw or request a yard sign, email him at:  mayordavid2022mississauga@proton.me 

Voting info: https://mississaugavotes.ca/for-voters

Vote for DAVID SHAW for Mayor of Mississauga on/by October 24, 2022!

David Shaw - How I Would Ensure the Police Follow the Rules as Mayor

369 Views  ·   ·  Politics
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In this brief video, David Shaw answers the question, “How will you ensure the Police will follow the rules?” 

For more info on David Shaw and his views, see:   https://iwillworkforthepeople.ca

To write to David Shaw or request a yard sign, email him at:  mayordavid2022mississauga@proton.me 

Voting info: https://mississaugavotes.ca/for-voters

Vote for DAVID SHAW for Mayor of Mississauga on/by October 24, 2022!

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