Dear stress module 3

We cannot control our outer world. I know that is what we are trying. We are taking in more and more information proving to ourselves how bad it is out there, looking for the perfect video to share, hoping this one will change your family members' or your friends' mind about what is really going on.

When you immerse yourself in negativity, you will drown.

You need to be in charge of your INNER life. Then you can tackle the outer world so much better.

Take the time to watch this video and gain insight about how your mind and body are creating your life’s experience. Yes, there is pain and agony out there, life is difficult, but you create your suffering around that. 

We need you strong and sound. You need to be self-reliant when it comes to your well-being.

I created this video in 2018, but it is even more relevant now.

Dear stress module 3

547 Views  ·   ·  Health
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 Erna  ·  6 videos

We cannot control our outer world. I know that is what we are trying. We are taking in more and more information proving to ourselves how bad it is out there, looking for the perfect video to share, hoping this one will change your family members' or your friends' mind about what is really going on.

When you immerse yourself in negativity, you will drown.

You need to be in charge of your INNER life. Then you can tackle the outer world so much better.

Take the time to watch this video and gain insight about how your mind and body are creating your life’s experience. Yes, there is pain and agony out there, life is difficult, but you create your suffering around that. 

We need you strong and sound. You need to be self-reliant when it comes to your well-being.

I created this video in 2018, but it is even more relevant now.

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