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      Hi!1. First off - thank-you very much for supporting the freedom movement!2. Second - letting know you about some new "events" that have transpired, so you know what is going on/not caught off guard, & can take proactive action.We just found out about this, this morning - so wanted to reach out to fellow freedom fighters such as yourself. (We are not affiliated at all with GiveSendGo, just happened to see what was happening and felt it was important to reach out to you, since the e-mail address was included in this list anyways).It appears that yesterday "hackers" (aka most likely a govtrganization from all appearances, which more specifically is run by certain big box corporate retailers/individuals funding that specific organization) didn't like GiveSendGo standing up for freedom, so "hacked" the list of donors from GiveSendGo, and then sent it to communist "media" outlets to distribute in an attempt to do something called "doxxing". The list contains the first & last name of donors, the donation amount, the postal code & e-mail address of these donations.Since the donor list is out in the open, here is the complete list yourself that you can peruse: the purpose of "doxxing" is to get rabid individuals to send threats and make it uncomfortable, and a bit of a 'surprise attack' so people have no ideawhere these attacks are coming from, and feel threatened. "Doxxing" is designed to try and make people upset & stressed out. Knowing where it is coming from can be the first thing in starting to relax/feel calm. And then you can address it/do countermeasures to mitigate any threats.An example of one of those individuals promoting communism/hate/division & attacks on people is here: is sorted by donate ID, although can be sorted by things like name, amount, etc in a software program like Microsoft Excel.Initially - this can seem quite upsetting (especially if you don't know where these attacks are come from). Now you do. Various main stream "media" outlets are pushing this list and encouraging their (rapid) listeners to do unprovoked attacks. Obviously, they should not be doing that.3. Now - in some ways - this can actually be a very good thing. Since the list is 'out in the open' anyways - it now gives you the ability to connect with likeminded freedom fighters, and share this list with them too - so they are aware of what is going on/can fight back effectively/etc as well.So this is what I would suggest doing. Obviously feel free to add to this list of ideas, and if you have something to share, please do let me know.a) You can sort by postal/zip code - so you can find likeminded individuals within your zip/postal code. Send them an e-mail & see if they'd like to discuss strategies. Also - perhaps reach out to random different individuals/share strategies.b) A lot of people are not aware of the 'big' plan. We've compiled a list of resources of what is 'really' going on (it is obviously not just about 'vaxxines'), so you may find this 5-10 minute read quite educational/informative. Please feel free to distribute this with other individuals you feel could benefit as well. There is also a 'solutions' section (requires a free account, but just name/email is fine to register. Other info is optional - and actually is encrypted as well). And finally - since this is actually a psychological war (WWIII) - specific strategies on how to counter act that are here (worth another 5-10 minutes read)are here: (more articles will be coming soon).I'd suggest using what resources you have to to share the above resources with fellow freedom fighters, because it can quickly bring them up to speed on the 'big' picture, and then help them implement specific, actionable solutions to fight back.There are also other good resources (in case you are not aware), such as: (canadian indepedent news) (canadian organization fighting unlawful fines), (longer term alternative canadian press)etc, etc.e) Obviously - a message of 'taking of the mask' is big. The pyschopaths are using masks to literally keep people in a hypnotic state. Never wearing the mask again, burning it and say making a 'youtube challenge' can be very effective in getting ppl to vanquish that evil aspect of things.f) Questioning the "narrative" can also be effective for people in this trance, i.e.,- Ask QUESTIONS- Ask about their FEELINGS (they've been emotionally abused, and are not thinking)- Ask about the end game.I.e.,"How do you FEEL about wearing a mask for another 5 years? Oh, didn't you know? Here's the proof...""How do you FEEL about getting another 20 shots for various 'new' diseases? Oh, didn't you know? Here's the proof...""How would you FEEL if you found out there was never a contagious 'virus' in the first place? Oh, didn't you know? Here's the proof'...f) "Fines" are being used to threaten small businesses, in an attempt to destroy them. Educate other small businesses how to fight back effectively.I.e., fines tend to be dismissed if the truth about manipulation is included in court briefings. I.e., statistical manipulation, fake CT counts, "vaxxthine" deaths (vaers), etc, etc.g) Use your influence to educate people on the underhanded tactics being used to try and keep people in a state of fear. Fear is what is being used. Eliminate the fear, and you eliminate this evil.Anyways, I hope this is enough to help quickly bring you up to speed on what is going on. The small group of pyschopaths are trying to cause hate/division between groups (i.e., "unvaxxed vs vaxxed", "black vs white vs asian", etc, etc). The reality is, this really is WorldWarIII, and it is a small group of pyschopaths versus the rest of the world.I hope this finds you well. Please do feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.Thank-you,Tony

      • We cannot see the names. It is blurred out can you capture the ones he didn't mention? Impossible to read

        • Part 2

          If anyone can find a clear picture of the MAIN slide and post it here, I'd appreciate it. I couldn not make out the last couple of rows in the video.

          • How do I share this on FB - the link goes only to Librti home page.

            • Hi, here is the link to the video: To share a Librti video, just hit the "share" button, and select "share via link" - hope this helps. 

              • 1
              • Reeee Page was not found :( 

            • I've been saying that for months now.  You're focusing on the wrong thing

              • 3
              • Why are these people still alive

                • Why am I still alive? I had a million followers in December of 2019. I have tape on my mouth . But somehow I am alive and well. And still breathing 

                • If you have not heard Dr. Martin's interview with Dr. Fuellmich, you MUST, MUST look that up.  He goes through the patent history that exists for decades about this planned situation.

                  • 2
                  • This is the written transcript that I put together.


                  • For anyone who hasn’t seen him in Indoctrination- also highly recommend this : 


                    • Has mainstream potential

                      • 1
                      • Hang 'em high.

                        • 2
                        • Be interesting to see the next public event he mentions, and is still in one piece to give it.

                          • Do not know what he is a ‘Dr’ of, but I really don’t care about that. I believe my bullshit detector is fairly good and during me watching this through its entirety, no serious bells went off.

                            If what he describes is ‘the truth’, then it makes me wonder what commercial ties Herr Trudeau has to Anser, Firis Marsh, etc. If there are any then Herr Trudeau is in for a bit of a shit-storm.

                            I do very much like the ‘focus on THE problem’, and I think Martin nailed it precisely.

                            • 2
                            • I obviously can't vouch for the details in this but it sure was an incredible presentation. He even makes the profound case for voluntaryism/anarchism at the end, because it's beyond obvious that this current system of top-down control and authority is absolutely corrupt to the core.

                              • 1
                              • Yes, but the crazy thing to me is that this control is exercised by EMPLOYEES!

                                • 2
                                • Most just fall in line.

                                  • 1
                                  • And the others are usually sent to the Gulags, re-education camps or to concentration camps, depending on the terminologies adopted by various dictatorships...the outcome is identical, conform to the lies or perish knowing the truth was on your side.

                                    • 1
                                • Finally!! A rock to cling to! Dr Martin has always been a beacon through this. Man, I needed a win today! Thank you ! My warrior energy has recharged! 

                                  • 2
                                  • Of every article that I have read over the past year and a half or longer, of every video presentation that I have watched, of every conversation that I have had, this is without a doubt the most important. 

                                    If you have access to the follow up that was mentioned at the beginning of this presentation, please share it. I am very interested in the full follow up presentation. 

                                    • 1
                                    • Why do you consider it the most important ?

                                      • The reason why I consider this the most important, for myself at least, is that everything else so far has seemed to be pieces of a larger puzzle. 

                                        The video of President Nana Okufo-Addo of Ghana reading a document smuggled to him from a meeting of the Rockefeller Foundation that laid out the time-line and steps of the pandemic, the Fauci Dossier which details Fauci's history in the development of a virus along with 5100 patents linked to the development, lockdowns and restrictions around the world, censorship and threatening of doctors and scientists around the world, vaccines that aren't vaccines, corrupt politicians and medical/health authorities, genocide talk and Trudeau stating his defense of the use of genocide etc etc etc. All pieces of a larger puzzle.

                                        Dr. David Martin has shown the full picture, or at least a much more complete picture. Definitely more than just a piece of the puzzle. 

                                        I wish I had access to the Dr. Martin's follow up speech that he mentions at the beginning of this speech, now.

                                        • 1
                                        • Beautiful response, thank you, I was hoping you would be thuro. I agree 100%. One of the Best spoken criminal "evidence"compilations" I've seen to date

                                          • 1
                                          • Everything else has still been important, but out of correct focus. I think that's how he put it. Now the focus is clear. With clarity comes effective action. But it requires people uniting.

                                        • "Find out who the real criminals are who are knowingly harming and killing, and now targeting children." Unless you finally got deep enough into the dirty little rabbit hole, and included Satanic followers that happen to inhabit every single position of power on this planet (I wont even mention malevolent ET's previous involvement...oops), then you don't know the half of the story...

                                          • or you could just start by punishing the ones you know in your city. trials are coming soon, and bring back death penatlty!!!

                                            • 1
                                          • Bravo..he should be a witness at the trials* prime witness

                                            • He is a witness for Reiner Fullmich

                                            • Excellent 👌

                                              • Comment removed by author

                                                • I can’t find an uploaded video of yesterday’s expo speeches, yet.  But try this link.

                                                  • 1
                                                  • Thank you very much for finding the info.  I was actually going to change my comment and ended up deleting it before I noticed there was a response.  Thank you again for your kind response.