Eddie Stone of Touchstone Essentials - Pure Body Extra - Nano-sized Zeolite Detox Spray

Eddie Stone, CEO and founder of Touchstone Essentials - a global health and wellness company discusses Pure Body Extra, an all-natural zeolite-based detox spray that has proven to help hundreds of thousands of adults and children around the world.

Eddie talks about how they take the raw volcanic rock, nano-size it, clean it, remineralize it, and suspend it in water molecules so it can travel throughout the entire body and exchange a mineral ion for a heavy metal or other toxic ion which is then trapped in a cage like structure and escorted out of the body in four to six hours. You won’t want to miss this fascinating discussion.

First Bottle for only $5.00 LIMITED TIME OFFER: https://vaccinechoicecanada.TheGoodInside.com/pbx-trial-offer-224896

*****************************Stay informed, please join Vaccine Choice Canada today:https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/join/

HELP OTHERS by sharing our Vaccine Regret link with loved ones/colleagues/health care providers, everyone! https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/uncategorized/vaccine-regret/

Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canadahttps://vaccinechoicecanada.com/links/general-links/

Vaccine Choice Canada, along with seven other co-plaintiffs, have taken legal action against the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, various public health officials, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. A Statement of Claim was filed in Ontario Superior Court on July 6, 2020. Please help support our Legal Defence Fund: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/donate

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Eddie Stone of Touchstone Essentials - Pure Body Extra - Nano-sized Zeolite Detox Spray

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Eddie Stone, CEO and founder of Touchstone Essentials - a global health and wellness company discusses Pure Body Extra, an all-natural zeolite-based detox spray that has proven to help hundreds of thousands of adults and children around the world.

Eddie talks about how they take the raw volcanic rock, nano-size it, clean it, remineralize it, and suspend it in water molecules so it can travel throughout the entire body and exchange a mineral ion for a heavy metal or other toxic ion which is then trapped in a cage like structure and escorted out of the body in four to six hours. You won’t want to miss this fascinating discussion.

First Bottle for only $5.00 LIMITED TIME OFFER: https://vaccinechoicecanada.TheGoodInside.com/pbx-trial-offer-224896

*****************************Stay informed, please join Vaccine Choice Canada today:https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/join/

HELP OTHERS by sharing our Vaccine Regret link with loved ones/colleagues/health care providers, everyone! https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/uncategorized/vaccine-regret/

Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canadahttps://vaccinechoicecanada.com/links/general-links/

Vaccine Choice Canada, along with seven other co-plaintiffs, have taken legal action against the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, various public health officials, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. A Statement of Claim was filed in Ontario Superior Court on July 6, 2020. Please help support our Legal Defence Fund: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/donate

You can find our videos on:





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