Emergency Preparedness Workshop with Joshua JD Lemmens

Emergencies are not a matter of 'IF,' but rather of 'WHEN.' Make sure you're ready for any situation - and its aftermath. Learn about the risks in your area, develop a household emergency plan, and build an EEB with Joshua JD Lemmens.

Joshua has been training on emergency prepping and survival for many years through British Columbia and Canada. This is the training we all need. The more prepared we all are, the faster we’ll bounce back afterwards. 

Emergency Preparedness Workshop with Joshua JD Lemmens

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Emergencies are not a matter of 'IF,' but rather of 'WHEN.' Make sure you're ready for any situation - and its aftermath. Learn about the risks in your area, develop a household emergency plan, and build an EEB with Joshua JD Lemmens.

Joshua has been training on emergency prepping and survival for many years through British Columbia and Canada. This is the training we all need. The more prepared we all are, the faster we’ll bounce back afterwards. 

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