Empower Yourself Against Modern Psychological Warfare -Join Dr. Robert Malone in Toronto, Sept. 20th!

🌟 Don't miss this opportunity to counter behavioural manipulation to ensure history does not repeat itself! 🌟

πŸ“… Date: September 20th, 2023 πŸ“ Location: Eglinton Grand, Toronto 🌐 Buy Tickets https://buytickets.at/brightlightnews/983446 πŸ’» Livestream https://brightlightnews.vhx.tv/

🌟 Are You Ready to Uncover the Truth? 🌟

Join us for a groundbreaking event featuring Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of RNA vaccine technology, and an assembly of brilliant minds who will reveal how our loved ones are being indoctrinated using Fifth Generation Warfare & Propaganda at Bright Light News Live Panel 4!

πŸš€ Event Highlights:

πŸ” Dr. Robert Malone: Explore the depths of COVID mass propaganda, orchestrated to influence our loved ones and designed for future pandemics and a coming digital authoritarian world. Arm yourself with knowledge to protect your family and your future.

πŸ’‘ Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD: Dive into the world of "Self-Assembling Cults and Internet Group Dynamics." Gain insights into the powerful forces shaping our digital lives.

πŸ”¬ Intro Speeches: Listen to enlightening introductory speeches by viral immunologist, Dr. Byram Bridle, and ER Physician, Dr. Mark Trozzi.

🎟️ VIP Access: Elevate your experience with VIP tickets! Meet the Malones and other distinguished experts in attendance. Forge connections and discuss the future of information warfare.

πŸ’ͺ Support Bright Light News: By attending, you're supporting a platform committed to uncovering the truth and promoting critical thinking in a world saturated with misinformation.

πŸ”’ Protect Your Future: In an age where information is power, don't miss this opportunity to understand the dynamics of modern warfare and propaganda. Equip yourself with the tools to safeguard your loved ones and your future.

🌟 Get Your Tickets NOW! 🌟 https://buytickets.at/brightlightnews/983446

πŸ’» Livestream: Can't make it to Toronto? Join us via livestream and host a party for an immersive digital experience. https://brightlightnews.vhx.tv/

πŸ“£ Spread the Word: Share this event with friends and family fighting for our collective democratic freedoms and autonomy.

🌟 Be Part of the Solution 🌟

This is your chance to be part of an event that will shape the way you see the world. Join us on September 20th, 2023, either in person at Eglinton Grand or through the livestream, and arm yourself with knowledge, connect with experts, and support the cause of truth.

πŸ‘‰ Get Your Tickets Today: https://buytickets.at/brightlightnews/983446

Don't miss this chance to be part of a movement that seeks to empower you with the truth. Together, we can make a difference! 🌟

Empower Yourself Against Modern Psychological Warfare -Join Dr. Robert Malone in Toronto, Sept. 20th!

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🌟 Don't miss this opportunity to counter behavioural manipulation to ensure history does not repeat itself! 🌟

πŸ“… Date: September 20th, 2023 πŸ“ Location: Eglinton Grand, Toronto 🌐 Buy Tickets https://buytickets.at/brightlightnews/983446 πŸ’» Livestream https://brightlightnews.vhx.tv/

🌟 Are You Ready to Uncover the Truth? 🌟

Join us for a groundbreaking event featuring Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of RNA vaccine technology, and an assembly of brilliant minds who will reveal how our loved ones are being indoctrinated using Fifth Generation Warfare & Propaganda at Bright Light News Live Panel 4!

πŸš€ Event Highlights:

πŸ” Dr. Robert Malone: Explore the depths of COVID mass propaganda, orchestrated to influence our loved ones and designed for future pandemics and a coming digital authoritarian world. Arm yourself with knowledge to protect your family and your future.

πŸ’‘ Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD: Dive into the world of "Self-Assembling Cults and Internet Group Dynamics." Gain insights into the powerful forces shaping our digital lives.

πŸ”¬ Intro Speeches: Listen to enlightening introductory speeches by viral immunologist, Dr. Byram Bridle, and ER Physician, Dr. Mark Trozzi.

🎟️ VIP Access: Elevate your experience with VIP tickets! Meet the Malones and other distinguished experts in attendance. Forge connections and discuss the future of information warfare.

πŸ’ͺ Support Bright Light News: By attending, you're supporting a platform committed to uncovering the truth and promoting critical thinking in a world saturated with misinformation.

πŸ”’ Protect Your Future: In an age where information is power, don't miss this opportunity to understand the dynamics of modern warfare and propaganda. Equip yourself with the tools to safeguard your loved ones and your future.

🌟 Get Your Tickets NOW! 🌟 https://buytickets.at/brightlightnews/983446

πŸ’» Livestream: Can't make it to Toronto? Join us via livestream and host a party for an immersive digital experience. https://brightlightnews.vhx.tv/

πŸ“£ Spread the Word: Share this event with friends and family fighting for our collective democratic freedoms and autonomy.

🌟 Be Part of the Solution 🌟

This is your chance to be part of an event that will shape the way you see the world. Join us on September 20th, 2023, either in person at Eglinton Grand or through the livestream, and arm yourself with knowledge, connect with experts, and support the cause of truth.

πŸ‘‰ Get Your Tickets Today: https://buytickets.at/brightlightnews/983446

Don't miss this chance to be part of a movement that seeks to empower you with the truth. Together, we can make a difference! 🌟 #FifthGenWarfare #PropagandaUnveiled #ProtectYourFamily

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