Remembering the past is important under specific applications. Relinquishing the past, with specific intent, is mandatory

if we are to establish eternal peace, love & freedom on the planet. Our Truth Centre is making such a move in keeping with the new movement

that will "Rebuild Nations". This includes aligning with and firmly standing with Truth; taking responsibility for our own health; and

seeking equality and freedom for all. You can find further videos aligning with this motive on the new BitChute channel REBUILDTHENATION,

if interested.


110 Books & 50 Documentaries on the Dangers of the Jab (for George):


The Great Awakening - Code of Ethics:


Dr. Milton Mills, Dr. Robert O. Young & Dr. Robert Morse, collectively have close to 150 of clinical evidence of curing their patients. Here is

a link to Dr. Mills: www.drmiltonmillsplantbasednation.com (see video "Diet & Cancer").

This video on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YmoBoh3iXcIw


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Remembering the past is important under specific applications. Relinquishing the past, with specific intent, is mandatory

if we are to establish eternal peace, love & freedom on the planet. Our Truth Centre is making such a move in keeping with the new movement

that will "Rebuild Nations". This includes aligning with and firmly standing with Truth; taking responsibility for our own health; and

seeking equality and freedom for all. You can find further videos aligning with this motive on the new BitChute channel REBUILDTHENATION,

if interested.


110 Books & 50 Documentaries on the Dangers of the Jab (for George):


The Great Awakening - Code of Ethics:


Dr. Milton Mills, Dr. Robert O. Young & Dr. Robert Morse, collectively have close to 150 of clinical evidence of curing their patients. Here is

a link to Dr. Mills: www.drmiltonmillsplantbasednation.com (see video "Diet & Cancer").

This video on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YmoBoh3iXcIw

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