Freedom of Information Access (F.O.I.A) Library Canada

To get to the truth, you need to get to the facts.

On Monday you get to meet the team who created a resource like none other, they have been rounding up FOIA (Freedom of Information Access) requests & results from around the country to create a unique opportunity for all. With full access and assistance programs to fight back against the abuses of power and corruption, this will be a resource like nothing you will find anywhere else other than the Freedom of Information Library. But this isn’t all they do, tune in to get armed with access to all the facts and more!

Contact our guests and learn more:

• Foundational Principles Pledge -

• Freedom of Information Library -

• BC Rising Partner –

• BC TownHalls 2024 –

About Wayne:

Thank you for watching. All my content is free, if you choose a paid subscription it is critically required and I am eternally grateful. All of your support — reading, watching, sharing and financial — is deeply appreciated. - Wayne

- Whistleblowers, news, tips or to be a guest send your email to:

- You can help us help Humanity in many ways, by subscribing on one of our platforms or support our work in more critical ways: -OR- eTransfer:

- We don't boycott, we defund the Cabal so if you are tired of wasting your money on toxic garbage and would rather hit the Cabal where it hurts ... we want to hear from you at:

Connect with us:

Our HQ:


Looking Glass Media Coalition:








Freedom of Information Access (F.O.I.A) Library Canada

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To get to the truth, you need to get to the facts.

On Monday you get to meet the team who created a resource like none other, they have been rounding up FOIA (Freedom of Information Access) requests & results from around the country to create a unique opportunity for all. With full access and assistance programs to fight back against the abuses of power and corruption, this will be a resource like nothing you will find anywhere else other than the Freedom of Information Library. But this isn’t all they do, tune in to get armed with access to all the facts and more!

Contact our guests and learn more:

• Foundational Principles Pledge -

• Freedom of Information Library -

• BC Rising Partner –

• BC TownHalls 2024 –

About Wayne:

Thank you for watching. All my content is free, if you choose a paid subscription it is critically required and I am eternally grateful. All of your support — reading, watching, sharing and financial — is deeply appreciated. - Wayne

- Whistleblowers, news, tips or to be a guest send your email to:

- You can help us help Humanity in many ways, by subscribing on one of our platforms or support our work in more critical ways: -OR- eTransfer:

- We don't boycott, we defund the Cabal so if you are tired of wasting your money on toxic garbage and would rather hit the Cabal where it hurts ... we want to hear from you at:

Connect with us:

Our HQ:


Looking Glass Media Coalition:








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