Graphene In Water & CIA Venom Stockpile In Archives

I will show the company that got the graphene in water deal a year ago. More on athletes dropping like flies and Astra-Z CEO was RECORDED saying what Canada health purposely did not tell you. Remember my guest who had lupus? She will not be happy to hear this recording.
*This show is 100% supporter funded. I can't do it without you. If you find value in my show please consider donating to: or e -transfer to or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at #305-1979 Old Okanagen Highway, BC V4T 3A4*Don't lose track of my shows go to my website and subscribe to my email list and my new telegram channel
OR on FB Odessa Orlewicz
OR my 3rd attempt on Youtube at:
OR bitchute:
OR new rumble:
OR on Not.TV
*Support my show while helping your body immensely with collagen by taking a look at

*Checkout AC50 hydrogen device at and use the promo code "liberty"

*Attention PREPPERS! I am now an affiliate for the amazing Tower Gardens so if you want to purchase a tower garden: as well as WHOLE fruit and vegetable supplements (Non GMO) with a 2 year shelf life at


Graphene In Water & CIA Venom Stockpile In Archives

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I will show the company that got the graphene in water deal a year ago. More on athletes dropping like flies and Astra-Z CEO was RECORDED saying what Canada health purposely did not tell you. Remember my guest who had lupus? She will not be happy to hear this recording.
*This show is 100% supporter funded. I can't do it without you. If you find value in my show please consider donating to: or e -transfer to or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at #305-1979 Old Okanagen Highway, BC V4T 3A4*Don't lose track of my shows go to my website and subscribe to my email list and my new telegram channel
OR on FB Odessa Orlewicz
OR my 3rd attempt on Youtube at:
OR bitchute:
OR new rumble:
OR on Not.TV
*Support my show while helping your body immensely with collagen by taking a look at

*Checkout AC50 hydrogen device at and use the promo code "liberty"

*Attention PREPPERS! I am now an affiliate for the amazing Tower Gardens so if you want to purchase a tower garden: as well as WHOLE fruit and vegetable supplements (Non GMO) with a 2 year shelf life at

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