Guess What The Israel-Palestine War Is REALLY About!

Guess What The Israel-Palestine War Is REALLY About!

November 15, 2023

The Jimmy Dore Show

You probably don’t know that off the coast of Gaza sits $453 billion in liquefied natural gas.  But you probably CAN guess why many observers who do know about these LNG deposits are suggesting that Israel’s interest in driving the Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip may have more to do with money than religion or terrorism.

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Guess What The Israel-Palestine War Is REALLY About!

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Guess What The Israel-Palestine War Is REALLY About!

November 15, 2023

The Jimmy Dore Show

You probably don’t know that off the coast of Gaza sits $453 billion in liquefied natural gas.  But you probably CAN guess why many observers who do know about these LNG deposits are suggesting that Israel’s interest in driving the Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip may have more to do with money than religion or terrorism.

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