How to Create Extra Income with the Librti Learn Affiliate Program

Do you have a social media following? Are you an independent media broadcaster or influencer? Do you manage a group or organization in the freedom movement?

Do you want to create additional income for your life, projects, charity, business or organization? 

Sign Up for a Librti Learn Affiliate Account:

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to leverage your network and support your work. 

When the lockdowns, restrictions and mandates were implemented over the last couple years, many people suffered, lost work, income and even lost their jobs, homes and the lives they had been building. 

But for myself, and the thousands of students I’ve taught, our income wasn’t affected at all. 


Because we had built streams of income on the internet, leveraging business models like Affiliate or Referral Marketing. 

So one of my life’s missions right now, is to help more freedom loving people build "Income Sovereignty"; so your income and your way of life isn’t completely controlled by other entities like corporations or the government. 

I built Librti Learn with 3 Primary Goals: 

1. To provide a virtual educational platform to help independent, freedom focused individuals develop their knowledge and skills in 6 key areas of interest. 

2. To provide a platform and community for educators and experts who posses specific knowledge and expertise in our 6 key areas of interest so they can help more people AND be compensated financially in return for their expertise. 

3. To provide a potential additional income stream for freedom loving individuals, independent media broadcasters, freedom influencers and organization, who would like to diversify their income and create more income sovereignty to support their work, projects and organizations. 

Create a New Stream of Income.

Sign Up for a Librti Learn Affiliate Account:

Affiliate Account Tutorial Videos:

Upcoming schedule of workshops:

How to Create Extra Income with the Librti Learn Affiliate Program

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Do you have a social media following? Are you an independent media broadcaster or influencer? Do you manage a group or organization in the freedom movement?

Do you want to create additional income for your life, projects, charity, business or organization? 

Sign Up for a Librti Learn Affiliate Account:

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to leverage your network and support your work. 

When the lockdowns, restrictions and mandates were implemented over the last couple years, many people suffered, lost work, income and even lost their jobs, homes and the lives they had been building. 

But for myself, and the thousands of students I’ve taught, our income wasn’t affected at all. 


Because we had built streams of income on the internet, leveraging business models like Affiliate or Referral Marketing. 

So one of my life’s missions right now, is to help more freedom loving people build "Income Sovereignty"; so your income and your way of life isn’t completely controlled by other entities like corporations or the government. 

I built Librti Learn with 3 Primary Goals: 

1. To provide a virtual educational platform to help independent, freedom focused individuals develop their knowledge and skills in 6 key areas of interest. 

2. To provide a platform and community for educators and experts who posses specific knowledge and expertise in our 6 key areas of interest so they can help more people AND be compensated financially in return for their expertise. 

3. To provide a potential additional income stream for freedom loving individuals, independent media broadcasters, freedom influencers and organization, who would like to diversify their income and create more income sovereignty to support their work, projects and organizations. 

Create a New Stream of Income.

Sign Up for a Librti Learn Affiliate Account:

Affiliate Account Tutorial Videos:

Upcoming schedule of workshops:

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