I interview A Nueroscientist, 2 Doctors (MD's), A Pharma Expert, A Hero , And A Filmmaker

Health Whistleblowers Extravaganza Show. This one is not to miss!

*Register for the exclusive worldwide premiere of Uninformed Consent The Movie at http://librtipremiere.com limited spaces- date is Saturday July 23rd eve.

https://www.librtipremiere.com/index/sponsors Uninfomed Consent The Movie

https://librti.com/view-video/brand-new-trailer for Uninformed Consent.

*This show is 100% supporter funded. I can't do it without you. If you find value in my show please consider donating to: https://buy.stripe.com/5kAcNy1EZ3bC5H2bII or e -transfer to libertytalkcanada@gmail.com or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at PO Box 45012 Dunbar, Vancouver, BC V6S 2M8

*Checkout AC50 hydrogen device at eagle-research.life and use the promo code : liberty

*Help support my show and yourself by purchasing a solar generator & panels here: https://www.jackery.com?aff=1065 (stay on store link, don't press Amazon option.)

*Attention PREPPERS! I am now an affiliate for the amazing Tower Gardens so if you want to purchase a tower garden: https://odessa1.towergarden.ca as well as WHOLE fruit and vegetable supplements (Non GMO) with a 2 year shelf life at https://odessa1.canada.juiceplus.com

*Support my show while helping your body immensely with collagen by taking a look at libertytalkcanada.com/favorites

Don't lose track of my shows go to my website https://LibertyTalkCanada.ca and subscribe to my email list and my new telegram channel https://t.me/LibertyTalkCanada OR librti.com/odessa

OR on Not.TV

OR on FB Odessa Orlewicz

OR my 3rd attempt on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0kOrv8m_QDyg6FrLlW5JzA

OR bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Ujmy8wOgWc18/

OR new rumble: https://rumble.com/user/Libertytalkcanada

I interview A Nueroscientist, 2 Doctors (MD's), A Pharma Expert, A Hero , And A Filmmaker

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Health Whistleblowers Extravaganza Show. This one is not to miss!

*Register for the exclusive worldwide premiere of Uninformed Consent The Movie at http://librtipremiere.com limited spaces- date is Saturday July 23rd eve.

https://www.librtipremiere.com/index/sponsors Uninfomed Consent The Movie

https://librti.com/view-video/brand-new-trailer for Uninformed Consent.

*This show is 100% supporter funded. I can't do it without you. If you find value in my show please consider donating to: https://buy.stripe.com/5kAcNy1EZ3bC5H2bII or e -transfer to libertytalkcanada@gmail.com or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at PO Box 45012 Dunbar, Vancouver, BC V6S 2M8

*Checkout AC50 hydrogen device at eagle-research.life and use the promo code : liberty

*Help support my show and yourself by purchasing a solar generator & panels here: https://www.jackery.com?aff=1065 (stay on store link, don't press Amazon option.)

*Attention PREPPERS! I am now an affiliate for the amazing Tower Gardens so if you want to purchase a tower garden: https://odessa1.towergarden.ca as well as WHOLE fruit and vegetable supplements (Non GMO) with a 2 year shelf life at https://odessa1.canada.juiceplus.com

*Support my show while helping your body immensely with collagen by taking a look at libertytalkcanada.com/favorites

Don't lose track of my shows go to my website https://LibertyTalkCanada.ca and subscribe to my email list and my new telegram channel https://t.me/LibertyTalkCanada OR librti.com/odessa

OR on Not.TV

OR on FB Odessa Orlewicz

OR my 3rd attempt on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0kOrv8m_QDyg6FrLlW5JzA

OR bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Ujmy8wOgWc18/

OR new rumble: https://rumble.com/user/Libertytalkcanada

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