I will NOT lock Mississauga down - David Shaw for Mayor

Were you, your family or small business hurt by the long lockdowns? Are you concerned that they could lock you down again? 

If elected Mayor, I will NOT lock Mississauga down!

👉👉 VOTE for DAVID SHAW for Mayor on or by Oct. 24, 2022 to protect your small business, families and your personal rights from further lockdowns!

🌐 For more info, see David Shaw's campaign website: https://iwillworkforthepeople.ca

📬 David Shaw's email address: mayordavid2022mississauga@proton.me

🗳 Voting info: https://mississaugavotes.ca/for-voters

I will NOT lock Mississauga down - David Shaw for Mayor

452 Views  ·   ·  Politics
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Were you, your family or small business hurt by the long lockdowns? Are you concerned that they could lock you down again? 

If elected Mayor, I will NOT lock Mississauga down!

👉👉 VOTE for DAVID SHAW for Mayor on or by Oct. 24, 2022 to protect your small business, families and your personal rights from further lockdowns!

🌐 For more info, see David Shaw's campaign website: https://iwillworkforthepeople.ca

📬 David Shaw's email address: mayordavid2022mississauga@proton.me

🗳 Voting info: https://mississaugavotes.ca/for-voters

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