If Pfizer is conspiring to release a new virus, this is domestic terrorism, says Dr. Peter McCullough MD

Health & Medical fraud! If Pfizer is conspiring to release a new virus, this is domestic terrorism, says Dr. Peter McCullough MD

Pfizer is doing "directed evolution" research to make viruses resistant to current vaccines, so they can create new vaccines and make more money, Peter McCullough, MD tells Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson on Feb 2, 2023. The full interview is posted here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XenrxTfaoU6t/

If Pfizer is conspiring to release a new virus, this is domestic terrorism, says Dr. Peter McCullough MD

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Health & Medical fraud! If Pfizer is conspiring to release a new virus, this is domestic terrorism, says Dr. Peter McCullough MD

Pfizer is doing "directed evolution" research to make viruses resistant to current vaccines, so they can create new vaccines and make more money, Peter McCullough, MD tells Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson on Feb 2, 2023. The full interview is posted here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XenrxTfaoU6t/

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