Interview- Recall David Eby For His Canadian Dystopian NDP Nightmare Bill 36. How YOU Can Help Make It Happen

Jaws are dropping internationally about David Eby bringing into law bill 36 in BC, Canada. This is something from a horrific novel. Doctors are freaking out and so is the awake population that actually follow what is going on. American outlets are calling to find out more about this insanity. I interview Rick Dignard, Sal about participating in this really important recall, as well as Stand United about the affiliated protest. (scroll to the bottom) and soon to be ready: Social Media Links:

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Interview- Recall David Eby For His Canadian Dystopian NDP Nightmare Bill 36. How YOU Can Help Make It Happen

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Jaws are dropping internationally about David Eby bringing into law bill 36 in BC, Canada. This is something from a horrific novel. Doctors are freaking out and so is the awake population that actually follow what is going on. American outlets are calling to find out more about this insanity. I interview Rick Dignard, Sal about participating in this really important recall, as well as Stand United about the affiliated protest. (scroll to the bottom) and soon to be ready: Social Media Links:

* to register for the nano removal program. Please just copy that addressand paste into your browser. You can purchase the recording of the class to catch up!

*Blast your flu out of your body quick! Check this out - Norb did it and it WORKED!!

*This show is 100% supporter funded. I can't do it without you. If you find value in my show please consider donating to: or e -transfer to or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at PO Box 45012 Dunbar, Vancouver, BC V6S 2M8

*Checkout the AC50 hydrogen device at and use the promo code "liberty" *FULL episode about the AC50 Hydrogen machine here:

Help support my show and yourself by purchasing a solar generator & panels here: (stay on store link, don't press Amazon option.)

*Attention PREPPERS! I am now an affiliate for the amazing Tower Gardens so if you want to purchase a tower garden: as well as WHOLE fruit and vegetable supplements (Non GMO) with a 2 year shelf life at

Don't lose track of my shows go to my website and subscribe to my email list and my new telegram channel OR

OR on OR on FB Odessa Orlewicz

OR bitchute:

OR new rumble:

twitter: @odessaorlewicz

Comments (31)
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    • My MLA Ben Stewart told me he agreed with Mad Bonnie and the vaccine program in BC when I wrote him about my concerns. I will never vote for him again.

      • Regarding our lame duck opposition : they probably would have forced this through if they were in power. All politicians are corrupt.

        • Regarding MSM covering the Eby protest, I really doubt the MSM would cover the protest and Bill 36 fairly.

          • I commend all of you for organizing this campaign. However, please explain to me: how will the removal of David Eby from office affect the invocation of Bill 36? Even if Eby gets ejected, wouldn't the Bill still go ahead?

            • Eby was placed into this position, I had NO idea who he was and got a WEF vibe from him, guess I was right! What can I do to get him recalled? I am on Van. Is.

              • Most everyone knows these are not vaccines, so the docs must not tell their patients that's it's a kill shot If the persons does not know anything about it. They want doctors to kill their patients or go to jail and fined. Still getting everyone else to do their dirty work. It's like the rapist or pedafile, our little secret, don't tell anyone.....these A holes are sick and twisted . I had their number before March 2020 too and don't want this kill shot. Mike Adams predicted this 2 years it happened. Bill Gate's best wet dream ever if this shit goes through.

                • If we are going to get rid of David Eby, we also need to focus on joining and promoting the BC Conservatives.

                  • Its sad icbc ignore the non use of sand on BC highways which allows injury and deaths and insurance costs to escalate

                    • Thank You to all the Heroes who are stepping up! So imperative we stand against tyranny!!!! Another big thing we can do is share like crazy on social media platforms. This is how we raise more awareness.

                      • We need to bring back the "Social Credit" Party in British Columbia.

                        • 1
                        • BC used to stand for "Bring Cash". It is now "Beware Communism".

                          • 1
                          • What is going on? It's called The "Great Reset". "You will own nothing and you will be happy". Klaus Schwab😈 is in charge!

                            The WEF, one world government, and fascist communism. Agenda 2030.

                            The "Mark of the Beast" is near.

                            • 2
                            • All the political parties in Canada are corrupt😈🤡💩. They are on the same side under different banners. You will have to recall almost everyone.

                              PPC🇨🇦🇨🇦 for us federally.

                              • 3
                              • If Point Grey didn't want the NDP, why did they vote for Eby?

                                • 1
                                • Will Odessa show up for the rally, or will she be busy again?🤔🙄

                                  • 1
                                  • Chilliwack has been infiltrated by the Woke from West of us in order to get affordable housing.

                                    The mayor, council, most of the school board as well as the NDP MLA's are Woke.

                                    Chilliwack is now "ChilliWoke"🤡😈.

                                    • 2
                                    • In 2010, I called Evil Eby by telephone as the so-called care homes were drugging our parents to death in the Resthaven (Deathhaven) Lodge in Sydney, BC.. Eby said he would call me right back. I never heard from him again.

                                      I emailed opposition NDP elder advocate, Katie Conroy, to intervene in the drugging of our parents. I requested that she go to the home and see my parents. She said she didn't have time.

                                      The Victoria General Hospital and the Saanich Peninsula Hospital were complicit in the legalized murder of our parents.

                                      Of course, the BC Liberal Party did nothing as well.

                                      In the end, the doctors, politicians, media and lawyers ignored our pleas while the "Deathhaven" drugged our parents to death.

                                      • 1
                                      • Where were all the medical personnel when the government forced masks and "Death Injections💉" onto the public?

                                        I was refused physio at the clinic in Abbotsford after 2 horrific motor vehicle injuries because I was unable to wear a mask after getting severe PTSD. Now, my ICBC claim has been closed and I have a permanently sore neck 24/7.

                                        The hospitals treated me like a leper when I told them that I had 2 letters from different doctors (Now 3) for my medical mask exemption.

                                        Now, that the medical profession is being targeted, they want our support?

                                        • 1
                                        • I take this opportunity to inform you of the degree of 'Conspiracy' I, and close family & friends, sometimes believe could be possible - IF THE WORLD HAS BECOME AS INSANE AS IT SEEMS!

                                          The World Health Organisation is now corrupt since their 'biggest benefactor' (INFLUENCER) Bill Gates bought the ability to modify their strategies, which now includes manipulating every Nation's 'health strategies;  by removing Sovereignty.   Gates will profit enormously from injecting the entire planet! 

                                          The WHO will be able to UNILATERALLY DECLARE the next (false) Scamdemic and Unilaterally IMPOSE Mandates including MASKS, LOCK-Downs, Forced INJECTIONS (called vaccines), and more control than we ever experienced during the last false Scamdemic, Covid, was launched! 

                                          Bill Gates is not satisfied with condemning Meat Eating, and is now the largest owner of US FARMLAND, but has massive financial interests in the WHO. Gates's WHO is now manoeuvring the organisation to steal total autonomy over all Nation's previous sovereignty regarding Health. Beware! 

                                          Gates is now buying into the drinking Water opportunities!  An essential resource to allow a megalomaniac to have full CONTROL of.

                                          You'll soon be cold, you'll starve or die of thirst if you resist any Gates's new World Health Organisation MANDATES! 

                                          Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I started joining the dots in March 2020.

                                          • 4
                                          • Thank you so much all….looking forward to meeting you on Wednesday !

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