IWR News for May 31st | Is the WHO Pandemic Treaty Dead?

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

• Turd-nomics: Decades of ‘Stagflation’ Predicted for Canada

• The Bill Justin Can’t Pay

• 2nd Annual Pride Flag Day School Walkout

• Our First Viewer Poll: The Top 10 Threats to Canada

• Proof of Media Colluding with Politicians

• A Simple Screen Addiction Treatment for Your Kids

• The Non-Study Study: Why Grocery Prices are So High

• The True Severe Adverse Reaction Rate: Higher Than You Think

• Shot to Death: 2 New Studies Showing Obscene Death Rates in the Vaxxed

• Who is Funding the Gain of Function Avian Flu Virus Research?

• Canadian Detective Accused of Misconduct for Finding the Truth

• The Great Korean Poop War


Our Survey on the Top Ten Threats to Canada: https://ironwillreport.com/viewer-survey/

Atkinson Report on Crooked Media: https://sharylattkisson.substack.com/p/newsgate-reporters-caught-coordinating

Change.org Petition to Reinstate Dr. Kulldorff: https://www.change.org/p/reinstate-martin-kulldorff-at-harvard-medical-school

Protect your wealth. Invest in precious metals at wholesale prices.

Link: https://info.newworldpm.com/154.html

Suffering from spike protein poisoning? There is help. The spike protein supplement created by The Wellness Company dissolves spike proteins, helping to protect you from the effects. Whether you are vaxxed and suffering side effects, or are often exposed to those who may be shedding spike proteins, the Spike Support supplement, which was developed by eminent doctors such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, and Dr. James Thorpe can protect you or help you to recover your health.

Link: https://twc.health/strongandfree



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IWR News for May 31st | Is the WHO Pandemic Treaty Dead?

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This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

• Turd-nomics: Decades of ‘Stagflation’ Predicted for Canada

• The Bill Justin Can’t Pay

• 2nd Annual Pride Flag Day School Walkout

• Our First Viewer Poll: The Top 10 Threats to Canada

• Proof of Media Colluding with Politicians

• A Simple Screen Addiction Treatment for Your Kids

• The Non-Study Study: Why Grocery Prices are So High

• The True Severe Adverse Reaction Rate: Higher Than You Think

• Shot to Death: 2 New Studies Showing Obscene Death Rates in the Vaxxed

• Who is Funding the Gain of Function Avian Flu Virus Research?

• Canadian Detective Accused of Misconduct for Finding the Truth

• The Great Korean Poop War


Our Survey on the Top Ten Threats to Canada: https://ironwillreport.com/viewer-survey/

Atkinson Report on Crooked Media: https://sharylattkisson.substack.com/p/newsgate-reporters-caught-coordinating

Change.org Petition to Reinstate Dr. Kulldorff: https://www.change.org/p/reinstate-martin-kulldorff-at-harvard-medical-school

Protect your wealth. Invest in precious metals at wholesale prices.

Link: https://info.newworldpm.com/154.html

Suffering from spike protein poisoning? There is help. The spike protein supplement created by The Wellness Company dissolves spike proteins, helping to protect you from the effects. Whether you are vaxxed and suffering side effects, or are often exposed to those who may be shedding spike proteins, the Spike Support supplement, which was developed by eminent doctors such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, and Dr. James Thorpe can protect you or help you to recover your health.

Link: https://twc.health/strongandfree



For Details News Visit: https://ironwillreport.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/IronWillReport/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/IronWillRpt

Rumble : https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/ironwillreport/?viewAsMember=true

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