Jan 29th truck convoy on Lyon St. N , Ottawa

This video was on the first day and I'm pleased to report that the truckers are now settled. They are well organized, well supplied and ready to stay months if not years!  Yesterday, January 31st, We drove to Coventry Rd. and they have more than enough food (no donation needed at this time unlike the fake news someone posted on Telegram).  They even have Porta Potty.    Canada Unity Freedom group is also well provided for at Confederation Park downtown and MacDonald bridge was not as congested today.  The truckers are amazing and respectful.  They are keeping an eye on paid agitators.  I love the distant sound of  horns I can hear from my eastern suburb. :)

Jan 29th truck convoy on Lyon St. N , Ottawa

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This video was on the first day and I'm pleased to report that the truckers are now settled. They are well organized, well supplied and ready to stay months if not years!  Yesterday, January 31st, We drove to Coventry Rd. and they have more than enough food (no donation needed at this time unlike the fake news someone posted on Telegram).  They even have Porta Potty.    Canada Unity Freedom group is also well provided for at Confederation Park downtown and MacDonald bridge was not as congested today.  The truckers are amazing and respectful.  They are keeping an eye on paid agitators.  I love the distant sound of  horns I can hear from my eastern suburb. :)

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