John Horgan has destroyed our cruise ship industry

"Premier John Horgan. Leader to Leader.  You have botched this cruise ship situation severely." 

The Greater Victoria Harbour Authority CEO Ian Robertson has written a letter to the Prime Minister to rescind the ban on cruise ships this fall and announce the change immediately.  He’s asked you to publicly support this decision.  

We are calling on you to be a Leader and support this with all of your effort.  I find it unlikely that you will as you’ve been pushing to have harsher restrictions and would have closed provincial borders if you could have and continue to give out grants like they are candy.
British Columbia deserves a Leader that cares about the people, not one that cares about power and winning elections.  Our ports need to be open now.

John Horgan has destroyed our cruise ship industry

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"Premier John Horgan. Leader to Leader.  You have botched this cruise ship situation severely." 

The Greater Victoria Harbour Authority CEO Ian Robertson has written a letter to the Prime Minister to rescind the ban on cruise ships this fall and announce the change immediately.  He’s asked you to publicly support this decision.  

We are calling on you to be a Leader and support this with all of your effort.  I find it unlikely that you will as you’ve been pushing to have harsher restrictions and would have closed provincial borders if you could have and continue to give out grants like they are candy.
British Columbia deserves a Leader that cares about the people, not one that cares about power and winning elections.  Our ports need to be open now.

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