JULY UPDATE: The Next 4 Months, GPMS.WORLD & Eternal Peace, Freedom & Abundance For All

Video update of the past 51 months and the next 5 months. It has been stated, "This is the last dark year of human history." While this may sound like a bold claim, it is by way of collective global consciousness and the availability of a structured Divine plan that says that this is so. The details are contained in this video as the agonal breaths of falsehood take their place.


JULY UPDATE: The Next 4 Months, GPMS.WORLD & Eternal Peace, Freedom & Abundance For All

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Video update of the past 51 months and the next 5 months. It has been stated, "This is the last dark year of human history." While this may sound like a bold claim, it is by way of collective global consciousness and the availability of a structured Divine plan that says that this is so. The details are contained in this video as the agonal breaths of falsehood take their place.

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