JULY UPDATE: The Next 4 Months, GPMS.WORLD & Eternal Peace, Freedom & Abundance For All

Video update of the past 51 months and the next 5 months. It has been stated, "This is the last dark year of human history." While this may sound like a bold claim, it is by way of collective global consciousness and the availability of a structured Divine plan that says that this is so. The details are contained in this video as the agonal breaths of falsehood take their place.

I am inspired to offer the following subsequent to the narrative below, on this video string:

Our dear Mother Gaia and her beloved inhabitants are going through a unique experience where we end up with a condition known as being settled in Light & Life. The referred to elevation of global collective consciousness is now obvious and is proof of this progression where our trust & faith will ultimately be transferred to include our brothers & sisters whereas it has always been the best to reside with our Father Prime Creator. This is a normal condition of new planetary life as the (current) elimination of evil makes life easier by the minute. There are millions & millions of us now residing with benevolence and the "Ubuntu" spirit. The facets of "Light & Life" are well documented in the Urantia Book should anyone be interested [50 references to "Settled in Light & Life" on the website - www.rebuildthenation.ca, 'Inspiring Documents' tab].


JULY UPDATE: The Next 4 Months, GPMS.WORLD & Eternal Peace, Freedom & Abundance For All

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Video update of the past 51 months and the next 5 months. It has been stated, "This is the last dark year of human history." While this may sound like a bold claim, it is by way of collective global consciousness and the availability of a structured Divine plan that says that this is so. The details are contained in this video as the agonal breaths of falsehood take their place.

I am inspired to offer the following subsequent to the narrative below, on this video string:

Our dear Mother Gaia and her beloved inhabitants are going through a unique experience where we end up with a condition known as being settled in Light & Life. The referred to elevation of global collective consciousness is now obvious and is proof of this progression where our trust & faith will ultimately be transferred to include our brothers & sisters whereas it has always been the best to reside with our Father Prime Creator. This is a normal condition of new planetary life as the (current) elimination of evil makes life easier by the minute. There are millions & millions of us now residing with benevolence and the "Ubuntu" spirit. The facets of "Light & Life" are well documented in the Urantia Book should anyone be interested [50 references to "Settled in Light & Life" on the website - www.rebuildthenation.ca, 'Inspiring Documents' tab].

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