Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

At Life Force Canada we teach Natural Law. Natural law is a philosophy based on the idea that everyone in a given society shares the same idea of what constitutes “right” and “wrong.” Further, natural law assumes that all people want to live “good and innocent” lives. Thus, natural law can also be thought of as the basis of “morality.” 

There is a deceitful lure of the "outrageous," and how "negativity" can actually be addictive in some twisted ways...... I thought you might enjoy this short video for a different perspective that might actually make you feel better today: Especially in the context of all the madness going on in the world today - which, if we let it, could give us a constant stream of reasons to remain "outraged"...  Stay true to your authentic self and make choices that align with your beautiful heart.

Thanks to Life Vest Inside


Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"

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At Life Force Canada we teach Natural Law. Natural law is a philosophy based on the idea that everyone in a given society shares the same idea of what constitutes “right” and “wrong.” Further, natural law assumes that all people want to live “good and innocent” lives. Thus, natural law can also be thought of as the basis of “morality.” 

There is a deceitful lure of the "outrageous," and how "negativity" can actually be addictive in some twisted ways...... I thought you might enjoy this short video for a different perspective that might actually make you feel better today: Especially in the context of all the madness going on in the world today - which, if we let it, could give us a constant stream of reasons to remain "outraged"...  Stay true to your authentic self and make choices that align with your beautiful heart.

Thanks to Life Vest Inside

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