Lay Your Burdens Down

I heard this song on the radio and wanted to share it. with anyone who cares to listen. In the song are 3 major versuses. 1.Prepare YE The Way Of The Lord. It does not say "Prepare ME the way. In other words. God wants me to prepare for him. So, I don't expect God to come to my rescue. 2. Revive us with your fire. Definition of Revive is "a return to consciousness or life. " God's fire is either his judgement or, his power and protection. So, I'm supposed to thank God for trouble and suffering not to blame, anger or be afraid of it. God lights a fire under my ass and I wake up. That's just how it works. 3. Lay your burdens down. I'm supposed to give the toxic emotions of fear and anger to him to deal with. Most likely he just tosses them in the garbage anyways. But, if I carry the emotional burden, it will handicap or destroy me. So I do my best to live the commandments, be aware and stay prepared and the rest I try to find the good or at least humor. So, bring on the judgement with all of its destruction and lets go through it the best we can.


Lay Your Burdens Down

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I heard this song on the radio and wanted to share it. with anyone who cares to listen. In the song are 3 major versuses. 1.Prepare YE The Way Of The Lord. It does not say "Prepare ME the way. In other words. God wants me to prepare for him. So, I don't expect God to come to my rescue. 2. Revive us with your fire. Definition of Revive is "a return to consciousness or life. " God's fire is either his judgement or, his power and protection. So, I'm supposed to thank God for trouble and suffering not to blame, anger or be afraid of it. God lights a fire under my ass and I wake up. That's just how it works. 3. Lay your burdens down. I'm supposed to give the toxic emotions of fear and anger to him to deal with. Most likely he just tosses them in the garbage anyways. But, if I carry the emotional burden, it will handicap or destroy me. So I do my best to live the commandments, be aware and stay prepared and the rest I try to find the good or at least humor. So, bring on the judgement with all of its destruction and lets go through it the best we can.

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