Leaked NASA Document WRITTEN IN 2001 Exposed Military Tech Being Honed By 2025 To "Off" Humans In A Quiet & Clandestine Way

Leaked NASA Document WRITTEN IN 2001 Exposed Military Tech Being Honed By 2025 To "0ff" Humans In A Quiet & Clandestine Way & Kissinger's Final Words: "Humans Must Merge With AI."

*Please help to keep this show alive. Please consider donating:

If you appreciate my hard work you can buy me a coffee at: libertytalkcanada@gmail.com (e -transfer). Credit card donation at https://buy.stripe.com/5kAcNy1EZ3bC5H2bII or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at PO Box #45012 at 4326 Dunbar St, Vancouver, BC V6S -2G0

*https://rncstore.com/odessa to buy the apricot seeds at a 10% discount. Use the international super saver option for shipping. To see the FULL episode about apricot seeds it is here: https://rumble.com/v5docdm-ronald-reagan-cured-his-cancer-with-this.-massive-coverup.-interview-with-j.html

*Contact my very AWAKE friend & financial investment advisor Adrian Spitters to get information on how to invest/capitalize on the massive amounts of homes being built in Canada to help you with inflation/wealth building (just info/no pressure) Email: adrian@adrianspitters.com Web: www.adrianspitters.com.Tell him Odessa sent you.

*Don't get caught with your pants down. Buy your gold and silver at https://libertytalkcanada.ca/gold or tell them Odessa sent you.

*FULL super informative episode about the AC50 Browns gas Hydrogen machine here : https://librti.com/view-video/june-29 and see the AC50 hydrogen device at aquacure.life and use the promo code "liberty" for a 5% discount .

NASA Document: https://silview.media/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nasa-future-strategic-issues-and-warfare.pdf

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Leaked NASA Document WRITTEN IN 2001 Exposed Military Tech Being Honed By 2025 To "Off" Humans In A Quiet & Clandestine Way

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Leaked NASA Document WRITTEN IN 2001 Exposed Military Tech Being Honed By 2025 To "0ff" Humans In A Quiet & Clandestine Way & Kissinger's Final Words: "Humans Must Merge With AI."

*Please help to keep this show alive. Please consider donating:

If you appreciate my hard work you can buy me a coffee at: libertytalkcanada@gmail.com (e -transfer). Credit card donation at https://buy.stripe.com/5kAcNy1EZ3bC5H2bII or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at PO Box #45012 at 4326 Dunbar St, Vancouver, BC V6S -2G0

*https://rncstore.com/odessa to buy the apricot seeds at a 10% discount. Use the international super saver option for shipping. To see the FULL episode about apricot seeds it is here: https://rumble.com/v5docdm-ronald-reagan-cured-his-cancer-with-this.-massive-coverup.-interview-with-j.html

*Contact my very AWAKE friend & financial investment advisor Adrian Spitters to get information on how to invest/capitalize on the massive amounts of homes being built in Canada to help you with inflation/wealth building (just info/no pressure) Email: adrian@adrianspitters.com Web: www.adrianspitters.com.Tell him Odessa sent you.

*Don't get caught with your pants down. Buy your gold and silver at https://libertytalkcanada.ca/gold or tell them Odessa sent you.

*FULL super informative episode about the AC50 Browns gas Hydrogen machine here : https://librti.com/view-video/june-29 and see the AC50 hydrogen device at aquacure.life and use the promo code "liberty" for a 5% discount .

NASA Document: https://silview.media/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nasa-future-strategic-issues-and-warfare.pdf

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