During the past 55 months, the clarity of the global 'situation' gets clearer every day. The departure from the old world, that is saturated with falsehoods and opinions, has programmed many on the planet to the point where one may question the coming benevolence, in the creation of the New Earth. Sufficient information backed by several indicators makes the coming, eternal peace, freedom & abundance closer than one might suspect. We all have the choice to create the New Earth or passively/directly sustain the old one. Photo cover of Chris Bird - the private collection of L. Hancock

2 of Christopher Bird's rare books on Gaston Naessens - archive.org



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During the past 55 months, the clarity of the global 'situation' gets clearer every day. The departure from the old world, that is saturated with falsehoods and opinions, has programmed many on the planet to the point where one may question the coming benevolence, in the creation of the New Earth. Sufficient information backed by several indicators makes the coming, eternal peace, freedom & abundance closer than one might suspect. We all have the choice to create the New Earth or passively/directly sustain the old one. Photo cover of Chris Bird - the private collection of L. Hancock

2 of Christopher Bird's rare books on Gaston Naessens - archive.org

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