Legalize Pipelines

Sandra Filosof-Schipper is the BC Libertarian Party Deputy Leader and candidate in the Vancouver-Quilchena Apr 2022 by-election. She believes that policies should be judged on their results, not their intent. In this regard, BC's carbon tax is a failure. A sober assessment of energy needs and supply shows that carbon fuels are a necessary bridge to a future when renewable energy is abundant and affordable. Trying to hasten that future by cutting off carbon will harm the least well-off, yet do nothing to forestall climate change.

Legalize Pipelines

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Sandra Filosof-Schipper is the BC Libertarian Party Deputy Leader and candidate in the Vancouver-Quilchena Apr 2022 by-election. She believes that policies should be judged on their results, not their intent. In this regard, BC's carbon tax is a failure. A sober assessment of energy needs and supply shows that carbon fuels are a necessary bridge to a future when renewable energy is abundant and affordable. Trying to hasten that future by cutting off carbon will harm the least well-off, yet do nothing to forestall climate change.

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