LIKED LOCKDOWN? You'll LOVE Sustainable Development!

A co-author of the Club of Rome's book, The Limits to Growth, is licking his chops for world revolution. Plus: A treat from Chatham House (the CFR's sister think-tank across the pond) about epidemic dishonesty. And a delightful preview of thing$ planned, courte$y of a Goldman $achs banker at the WEF.

LIKED LOCKDOWN? You'll LOVE Sustainable Development!

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A co-author of the Club of Rome's book, The Limits to Growth, is licking his chops for world revolution. Plus: A treat from Chatham House (the CFR's sister think-tank across the pond) about epidemic dishonesty. And a delightful preview of thing$ planned, courte$y of a Goldman $achs banker at the WEF.

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