NDE - Woman Dies, Reveals Reasons GOD ALLOWS SUFFERINGS, PAINS and EVILS on Earth!

This woman like many others before her has had a NDE or Near Death Experience. She died in a horrific car accident and was shown the other side. She came back to this life to tell us what God revealed to her about why he allows so much suffering, pains and evils on this 3rd dimensional plane earth. Only people with an open and objective mind should watch this video. To all those people who are skeptical and have no interest to learn God's urgent messages to those of us who have consciously awakened and are anxious to hear these important messages, Please, I kindly ask you, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR NEGATIVE COMMENTS! It takes away other people's interest to learn more about NDE experiencers. I do this out of service to my fellow man and women.

Please, show others respect.

Thank you.

Robert Csiki, WatchmanForTruth

20,502 views Feb 6, 2024

Woman dies, reveals reasons GOD ALLOWS SUFFERINGS, PAINS and EVILS on Earth!

After a miraculous near-death experience that catapulted her small red jeep over an 80-foot cliff and plunged her into an altered state of consciousness, Chrystal Rae set forth on a mission unlike any other—to share the profound love and wisdom she had encountered in an extraordinary out-of-body journey.

In this ethereal realm, she was shown the universe's most profound secrets and directed to share the inspirational message: "Love is all that matters."

Driven by an inner calling to share this message of love to the world, Chrystal Rae began an academic journey, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts and Humanities in Literary Studies, achieving Cum Laude honors. Throughout her academic pursuit, she poured her heart into crafting numerous volumes of poetry and a profoundly personal memoir, earning the esteemed title of "Poet of the Year" for an impressive three consecutive years.

NDE - Woman Dies, Reveals Reasons GOD ALLOWS SUFFERINGS, PAINS and EVILS on Earth!

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This woman like many others before her has had a NDE or Near Death Experience. She died in a horrific car accident and was shown the other side. She came back to this life to tell us what God revealed to her about why he allows so much suffering, pains and evils on this 3rd dimensional plane earth. Only people with an open and objective mind should watch this video. To all those people who are skeptical and have no interest to learn God's urgent messages to those of us who have consciously awakened and are anxious to hear these important messages, Please, I kindly ask you, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR NEGATIVE COMMENTS! It takes away other people's interest to learn more about NDE experiencers. I do this out of service to my fellow man and women.

Please, show others respect.

Thank you.

Robert Csiki, WatchmanForTruth

20,502 views Feb 6, 2024

Woman dies, reveals reasons GOD ALLOWS SUFFERINGS, PAINS and EVILS on Earth!

After a miraculous near-death experience that catapulted her small red jeep over an 80-foot cliff and plunged her into an altered state of consciousness, Chrystal Rae set forth on a mission unlike any other—to share the profound love and wisdom she had encountered in an extraordinary out-of-body journey.

In this ethereal realm, she was shown the universe's most profound secrets and directed to share the inspirational message: "Love is all that matters."

Driven by an inner calling to share this message of love to the world, Chrystal Rae began an academic journey, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts and Humanities in Literary Studies, achieving Cum Laude honors. Throughout her academic pursuit, she poured her heart into crafting numerous volumes of poetry and a profoundly personal memoir, earning the esteemed title of "Poet of the Year" for an impressive three consecutive years.

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