One on One: With Covid Collateral Producer Vanessa Dylyn

Producer of the new documentary film Covid Collateral (opening soon)! Or at least trying to, we will hear from highly credited producer Vanessa Dylyn how the "Social Enforcers" have tried to stop this film from being seen.

Well.... anyone who knows me knows that anyone being cancelled by "the left" is almost an automatic "here hold my beer and let me promote this" kind of thing.

There are reasons the establishment doesn't want this movie seen, which means it's an automatic must see. So of course we will make sure you know where you will be able to see it!

Movie Details:


Facebook: @CovidCollateral (

X: @CollateralCovid (

Instagram: @CollateralCovid (

TikTok: @CollateralCovid (

Librti: @CovidCollateral (

Thank you for watching. All my content is free, if you choose a paid subscription I am eternally grateful. All of your support — reading, watching, sharing and financial — is deeply appreciated. - Wayne

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- We don't boycott, we defund the Cabal so if you are tired of wasting your money on toxic garbage and would rather hit the Cabal where it hurts ... we want to hear from you at:

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One on One: With Covid Collateral Producer Vanessa Dylyn

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Producer of the new documentary film Covid Collateral (opening soon)! Or at least trying to, we will hear from highly credited producer Vanessa Dylyn how the "Social Enforcers" have tried to stop this film from being seen.

Well.... anyone who knows me knows that anyone being cancelled by "the left" is almost an automatic "here hold my beer and let me promote this" kind of thing.

There are reasons the establishment doesn't want this movie seen, which means it's an automatic must see. So of course we will make sure you know where you will be able to see it!

Movie Details:


Facebook: @CovidCollateral (

X: @CollateralCovid (

Instagram: @CollateralCovid (

TikTok: @CollateralCovid (

Librti: @CovidCollateral (

Thank you for watching. All my content is free, if you choose a paid subscription I am eternally grateful. All of your support — reading, watching, sharing and financial — is deeply appreciated. - Wayne

- Whistleblowers, news, tips or to be a guest send your email to:

- You can help us help Humanity in many ways, by subscribing on one of our platforms or support our work in more critical ways: -OR- eTransfer:

- We don't boycott, we defund the Cabal so if you are tired of wasting your money on toxic garbage and would rather hit the Cabal where it hurts ... we want to hear from you at:

Connect with us:

Our HQ:


Looking Glass Media Coalition:


Spotify: What's Up Canada with Wayne Podcast


Twitter (X):






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