Overcoming Symptoms: Part 1, Pain

Let me correct myself on something I said early in the video:

I stated that it would take a long time to recover from your symptoms. That's not a hard and solid statement.

What I should have said is that it will likely take you some time to overcome your illness -- how long depends on how hard you go at it, what kind of money, time, and energy you can put into your recovery, AND, probably most importantly, how long you've been sick and what your gauge of being 'fully recovered' is.

It is this last part that I was referring to when I said it would likely take a long time. I do not want to sugar-coat the message by telling you that I know of a fast and easy solution, and that's where I'm coming from.

Are you tired of the conventional medical system not working for you & you’re ready to go outside the box for solutions?

Register for the webinar 3 Root Causes of Chronic Illness (& How to Recover): www.fionaforhealth.com/freewebinar

Overcoming Symptoms: Part 1, Pain

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 FionaT  ·  78 videos

Let me correct myself on something I said early in the video:

I stated that it would take a long time to recover from your symptoms. That's not a hard and solid statement.

What I should have said is that it will likely take you some time to overcome your illness -- how long depends on how hard you go at it, what kind of money, time, and energy you can put into your recovery, AND, probably most importantly, how long you've been sick and what your gauge of being 'fully recovered' is.

It is this last part that I was referring to when I said it would likely take a long time. I do not want to sugar-coat the message by telling you that I know of a fast and easy solution, and that's where I'm coming from.

Are you tired of the conventional medical system not working for you & you’re ready to go outside the box for solutions?

Register for the webinar 3 Root Causes of Chronic Illness (& How to Recover): www.fionaforhealth.com/freewebinar

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