Parliamentary Debate- Canadian Government Caught BLOCKING Info From Taxpayers If The Billions Spent On Climate Has/Will Make Any Difference

Emissions Targets: The taxpayer is specifically being blocked by the Liberal Gov from key info about whether putting us in the poor house has or will make any difference to the climate...I show the videos. I also show an article written by an investigative journalist for the Financial Times about the scammy climate models that PIERRE Trudeau brought in to try to pull this off along with the Club of Rome and Dennis Meadows. Young Trudeau is implementing his fathers and The Club Of Rome's psychopathy that was already proven to be junk science.

* to buy the apricot seeds at a 10% discount. Use the international super saver option for shipping. To see the FULL episode about apricot seeds it is here:

*Contact my very AWAKE friend & financial investment advisor Adrian Spitters to get information on how to invest/capitalize on the massive amounts of homes being built in Canada to help you with inflation/wealth building (just info/no pressure) Email: Web: him Odessa sent you.

*Don't get caught with your pants down. Buy your gold and silver at or tell them Odessa sent you.

*FULL super informative episode about the AC50 Browns gas Hydrogen machine here : and see the AC50 hydrogen device at and use the promo code "liberty" for a 5% discount .

If you appreciate my hard work bringing truth to Canadians consider buying me a coffee at: (e -transfer). Credit card donation at or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at PO Box #45012 at 4326 Dunbar St, Vancouver, BC V6S -2G0

Episode Link:

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Parliamentary Debate- Canadian Government Caught BLOCKING Info From Taxpayers If The Billions Spent On Climate Has/Will Make Any Difference

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Emissions Targets: The taxpayer is specifically being blocked by the Liberal Gov from key info about whether putting us in the poor house has or will make any difference to the climate...I show the videos. I also show an article written by an investigative journalist for the Financial Times about the scammy climate models that PIERRE Trudeau brought in to try to pull this off along with the Club of Rome and Dennis Meadows. Young Trudeau is implementing his fathers and The Club Of Rome's psychopathy that was already proven to be junk science.

* to buy the apricot seeds at a 10% discount. Use the international super saver option for shipping. To see the FULL episode about apricot seeds it is here:

*Contact my very AWAKE friend & financial investment advisor Adrian Spitters to get information on how to invest/capitalize on the massive amounts of homes being built in Canada to help you with inflation/wealth building (just info/no pressure) Email: Web: him Odessa sent you.

*Don't get caught with your pants down. Buy your gold and silver at or tell them Odessa sent you.

*FULL super informative episode about the AC50 Browns gas Hydrogen machine here : and see the AC50 hydrogen device at and use the promo code "liberty" for a 5% discount .

If you appreciate my hard work bringing truth to Canadians consider buying me a coffee at: (e -transfer). Credit card donation at or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at PO Box #45012 at 4326 Dunbar St, Vancouver, BC V6S -2G0

Episode Link:

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