Penticton Rally 17 June '23 - The Coming of Eternal Light & Life!

It is merely by continued consent and allegiance of the masses that the globalist agenda is able to proceed. The elevating consciousness of the masses was accelerated by the first Harmonic (Convergence) event in 1987. March, 2020 brought us to another accelerated potential for the global population, to step up to the plate. This principle is evident by such things as the Trucker Rally in eastern Canada and the emergence of protests in the European nations.

Update Nov. 2024 - the formal infrastructure to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (aka Light & Life) can be found for your consent at

Our twice weekly 'Call to Action' meditation sessions have been relaxed. However, it is mentioned here that whatever time an individual dedicates to benevolent prayer for the masses, is acknowledged and integral to this wake up paradigm. Thank you.

New website hosting our Truth Centre documentation -


Penticton Rally 17 June '23 - The Coming of Eternal Light & Life!

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It is merely by continued consent and allegiance of the masses that the globalist agenda is able to proceed. The elevating consciousness of the masses was accelerated by the first Harmonic (Convergence) event in 1987. March, 2020 brought us to another accelerated potential for the global population, to step up to the plate. This principle is evident by such things as the Trucker Rally in eastern Canada and the emergence of protests in the European nations.

Update Nov. 2024 - the formal infrastructure to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (aka Light & Life) can be found for your consent at

Our twice weekly 'Call to Action' meditation sessions have been relaxed. However, it is mentioned here that whatever time an individual dedicates to benevolent prayer for the masses, is acknowledged and integral to this wake up paradigm. Thank you.

New website hosting our Truth Centre documentation -

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