Q WEBINAR | PART 1 - What/Who is Q? Understanding The Operation


Q WEBINAR | PART 1 - What/Who is Q? Understanding The Operation

March 17, 2024

Journey to Truth

For those who haven't had time to sit through the over 4 hour Q webinar! First of all, we don't blame you 😜. We've decided to break it up into two digestible segments editing out all of the dead space, addressing tech issues, making audio adjustments etc.  A more seamless final product that we hope you all enjoy. Part 2 will be coming soon!

In part one we cover the Deepstate plan, why the Q operation was even needed, what the operation was/is, who the key players are and so much more! Is there extraterrestrial cooperation?  Is Time travel involved? Tune in and find out what we've uncovered in our research!

Q WEBINAR | PART 1 - What/Who is Q? Understanding The Operation

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Q WEBINAR | PART 1 - What/Who is Q? Understanding The Operation

March 17, 2024

Journey to Truth

For those who haven't had time to sit through the over 4 hour Q webinar! First of all, we don't blame you 😜. We've decided to break it up into two digestible segments editing out all of the dead space, addressing tech issues, making audio adjustments etc.  A more seamless final product that we hope you all enjoy. Part 2 will be coming soon!

In part one we cover the Deepstate plan, why the Q operation was even needed, what the operation was/is, who the key players are and so much more! Is there extraterrestrial cooperation?  Is Time travel involved? Tune in and find out what we've uncovered in our research!

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