Q WEBINAR | PART 2 - Time Travel, Project Looking Glass & The ET Connection


Q WEBINAR | PART 2 - Time Travel, Project Looking Glass & The ET Connection

March 24, 2024

Journey to Truth

In Part 2 we connect the Q operation and time travel technology. We cover the possibility of President Donald Trump & family being time travelers themselves. What is Project Looking Glass, where did it come from and how is it being used by Q? Are Extraterrestrials truly involved with the Q team? What is The Art of War and 5D Chess? Tune in to find out all of this and so much more!

Q WEBINAR | PART 2 - Time Travel, Project Looking Glass & The ET Connection

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Q WEBINAR | PART 2 - Time Travel, Project Looking Glass & The ET Connection

March 24, 2024

Journey to Truth

In Part 2 we connect the Q operation and time travel technology. We cover the possibility of President Donald Trump & family being time travelers themselves. What is Project Looking Glass, where did it come from and how is it being used by Q? Are Extraterrestrials truly involved with the Q team? What is The Art of War and 5D Chess? Tune in to find out all of this and so much more!

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