Rachel: An American Conscience

Rachel: An American Conscience

by Yahya Barakat

From the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:

Yahya Barakat, who teaches at Al-Quds University, told The Washington Report that

he began work on the documentary the instant he learned that Corrie had been crushed to death by an Israeli-driven Caterpillar bulldozer.

This documentary offers rare footage of Rachel talking to a camera and describing Israeli human rights violations against a Palestinian civilian population.

The film opens with grim images of dinosaur-like Caterpillar bulldozers turning urban Rafah into a garbage pile of destroyed buildings. It continues with interviews of Rachel's fellow International Solidarity Movement volunteers, and concludes with comments from her parents.


Learn more about Rachel Corrie life and activities


There is a play of her life, which has been censored in the 'free world'.


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Rachel: An American Conscience

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Rachel: An American Conscience

by Yahya Barakat

From the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:

Yahya Barakat, who teaches at Al-Quds University, told The Washington Report that

he began work on the documentary the instant he learned that Corrie had been crushed to death by an Israeli-driven Caterpillar bulldozer.

This documentary offers rare footage of Rachel talking to a camera and describing Israeli human rights violations against a Palestinian civilian population.

The film opens with grim images of dinosaur-like Caterpillar bulldozers turning urban Rafah into a garbage pile of destroyed buildings. It continues with interviews of Rachel's fellow International Solidarity Movement volunteers, and concludes with comments from her parents.


Learn more about Rachel Corrie life and activities


There is a play of her life, which has been censored in the 'free world'.


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