Serena Freedombear spoke at the "Heroes Take Action" event that kicked off the Recall David Eby Campaign, Vancouver

Serena Freedombear spoke at the "Heroes Take Action" event that kicked off the Recall David Eby Campaign, Vancouver

January 18, 2023.

James Loewen

David Eby, the unelected Premier of British Columbia, suggests …”the state should be able to involuntarily detain and force treatment on people”…


Will enable the Government to search and seize property of the provider.

Gives unprecedented power to the Health Minister.

The most pertinent details of the Government's/College's power are left to be disclosed in future regulations free from debate or oversight.

Mandated medical interventions and forced "mental health assessments" at the behest of the Government.

Allows the Government to dictate arbitrary conditions of licensure and impose restrictions and limitations on the ability to practice in BC.

The Government can order a provider to produce PRIVATE clinical records at any given time.

The Health Minister determines what we are allowed to decline as "informed consent."

It seems we have moved from regulator to dictator.


Serena Freedombear spoke at the "Heroes Take Action" event that kicked off the Recall David Eby Campaign, Vancouver

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Serena Freedombear spoke at the "Heroes Take Action" event that kicked off the Recall David Eby Campaign, Vancouver

January 18, 2023.

James Loewen

David Eby, the unelected Premier of British Columbia, suggests …”the state should be able to involuntarily detain and force treatment on people”…


Will enable the Government to search and seize property of the provider.

Gives unprecedented power to the Health Minister.

The most pertinent details of the Government's/College's power are left to be disclosed in future regulations free from debate or oversight.

Mandated medical interventions and forced "mental health assessments" at the behest of the Government.

Allows the Government to dictate arbitrary conditions of licensure and impose restrictions and limitations on the ability to practice in BC.

The Government can order a provider to produce PRIVATE clinical records at any given time.

The Health Minister determines what we are allowed to decline as "informed consent."

It seems we have moved from regulator to dictator.

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