Serving my NOL to Fraser Health

Serving my NOL today while I hand in my keys and ID as my ex-supervisor Leon Beausoleil requested. Immediately after I left the building Leon was calling my phone and I didn’t answer. I shut of my phone because he was calling every 2 minutes and not leaving a voice message. I had nothing more to say to him since my responsibility’s were over with Fraser Health since I was fired for not taking the experimental death shot.

Serving my NOL to Fraser Health

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Serving my NOL today while I hand in my keys and ID as my ex-supervisor Leon Beausoleil requested. Immediately after I left the building Leon was calling my phone and I didn’t answer. I shut of my phone because he was calling every 2 minutes and not leaving a voice message. I had nothing more to say to him since my responsibility’s were over with Fraser Health since I was fired for not taking the experimental death shot.

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