Shawn Buckley - How the Charter of Health Freedom Impacts You!

In this presentation we discuss the Charter of Health Freedom with the author of this proposed new legislation, lawyer Shawn Buckley. Shawn is the President of the Natural Health Product Protection Association (NHPPA) and is a long-time proponent of health freedom and medical choice for all Canadians. In this discussion we will be looking at the current threat to our health freedom, what can be done about it and what Shawn believes the final outcome will be and what the future holds for us all. Our health is literally in the balance at this critical time. Don’t miss hearing, and sharing, this very important discussion with Shawn.

Natural Health Product Protection Association:

National Citizens Inquiry:

Charter of Health Freedom: 



Vaccine Choice Canada:

Canada Health Alliance:

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Shawn Buckley - How the Charter of Health Freedom Impacts You!

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In this presentation we discuss the Charter of Health Freedom with the author of this proposed new legislation, lawyer Shawn Buckley. Shawn is the President of the Natural Health Product Protection Association (NHPPA) and is a long-time proponent of health freedom and medical choice for all Canadians. In this discussion we will be looking at the current threat to our health freedom, what can be done about it and what Shawn believes the final outcome will be and what the future holds for us all. Our health is literally in the balance at this critical time. Don’t miss hearing, and sharing, this very important discussion with Shawn.

Natural Health Product Protection Association:

National Citizens Inquiry:

Charter of Health Freedom: 



Vaccine Choice Canada:

Canada Health Alliance:

Please support the work of:

Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 

Stay informed by joining today:

Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canada

You can find our videos on:

VCC’s Podcast Channel:

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