Special Report: Fake News - The False EU Elections Narrative

Last week 700 million Europeans voted for their European Union representatives. After a dramatic defeat for the left, mainstream media has been reporting that the EU is being taken over by 'far-right extremists'. But they were also careful to present the election results in such a way that their false narrative was difficult to detect.

In this Special Edition of the Iron Will Report:

• How the EU works: Corruption on Multiple Levels

• How the 2019 Elections were Rigged in Favor of the Left

• A Secret 'Center Right' WEF Agent Exposed

• The Elections Data Presented Honestly - See the Corruption For Yourself

• The Demise of Globalist Control in Europe

• A Sinister Plot Between the EU, the WEF, and Trudeau Revealed

• Proof the Leftist Media Narrative is False

Adrian Spitters,

Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse



(604) 613-1693

Link: https://twc.health/strongandfree




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Special Report: Fake News - The False EU Elections Narrative

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Last week 700 million Europeans voted for their European Union representatives. After a dramatic defeat for the left, mainstream media has been reporting that the EU is being taken over by 'far-right extremists'. But they were also careful to present the election results in such a way that their false narrative was difficult to detect.

In this Special Edition of the Iron Will Report:

• How the EU works: Corruption on Multiple Levels

• How the 2019 Elections were Rigged in Favor of the Left

• A Secret 'Center Right' WEF Agent Exposed

• The Elections Data Presented Honestly - See the Corruption For Yourself

• The Demise of Globalist Control in Europe

• A Sinister Plot Between the EU, the WEF, and Trudeau Revealed

• Proof the Leftist Media Narrative is False

Adrian Spitters,

Financial Consultant
Financial Advice for the Coming Economic Collapse



(604) 613-1693

Link: https://twc.health/strongandfree




For Details News Visit: https://ironwillreport.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/IronWillReport/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/IronWillRpt

Rumble : https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/ironwillreport/?viewAsMember=true

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