Stamping Out Policy: Any Animal Exposed to Avian Flu Must be Euthanized

CFIA Inspection Video #6

January 24, 2025: During an inspection by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) at Universal Ostrich Farms, the farmers question the agents about their decision to depopulate 400 healthy ostriches. 

Agent #1 responded “They’re not healthy.” When asked why he believed the ostriches weren’t healthy, he replied, “The herd has been diagnosed with high path avian influenza. It’s our stamping-out policy. That whole epidemiological unit that is exposed under stamping-out, this is um…. the policy, is that any animal that is exposed, those animals must be euthanized.”

If the ostriches have been exposed and developed natural immunity, why are they being depopulated?

Help us save our ostriches. Please visit to find out how you can help, or donate to our legal efforts.

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Stamping Out Policy: Any Animal Exposed to Avian Flu Must be Euthanized

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CFIA Inspection Video #6

January 24, 2025: During an inspection by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) at Universal Ostrich Farms, the farmers question the agents about their decision to depopulate 400 healthy ostriches. 

Agent #1 responded “They’re not healthy.” When asked why he believed the ostriches weren’t healthy, he replied, “The herd has been diagnosed with high path avian influenza. It’s our stamping-out policy. That whole epidemiological unit that is exposed under stamping-out, this is um…. the policy, is that any animal that is exposed, those animals must be euthanized.”

If the ostriches have been exposed and developed natural immunity, why are they being depopulated?

Help us save our ostriches. Please visit to find out how you can help, or donate to our legal efforts.

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