Stripped, Frozen and Locked in a Steel Box | The Brutal Imprisonment of Art Pawlowski

In this in-depth and in-person interview with Iron Will, Pastor Art Pawlowski, who grew up in communist Poland, relates his wrongful arrest, weeks of imprisonment, solitary confinement, and the physical and psychological torture he was subjected to by his jailers – not decades ago in communist Poland, but here, now, in a Canada where the last of our rights and freedoms are being stripped from us while so many stand by and close their eyes to it.

“We must wake the lions, before it’s too late.” - Pastor Art Pawlowski

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Stripped, Frozen and Locked in a Steel Box | The Brutal Imprisonment of Art Pawlowski

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In this in-depth and in-person interview with Iron Will, Pastor Art Pawlowski, who grew up in communist Poland, relates his wrongful arrest, weeks of imprisonment, solitary confinement, and the physical and psychological torture he was subjected to by his jailers – not decades ago in communist Poland, but here, now, in a Canada where the last of our rights and freedoms are being stripped from us while so many stand by and close their eyes to it.

“We must wake the lions, before it’s too late.” - Pastor Art Pawlowski

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