Susan Standfield was live February 19, 2023

Susan Standfield was live February 19, 2023

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

Svetlana Dalla Lana

Here's both sides of the story...both women are smart committed justice advocates but feelings, emotions can get the better of us.

Please reconcile ladies for the sake of everyone and to let Canadians know we are a movement full of respectful professionals capable of running our public institutions.  We will never be free if we cannot advocate honourably.

also available:

Susan Standfield was live February 19, 2023

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Susan Standfield was live February 19, 2023

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

Svetlana Dalla Lana

Here's both sides of the story...both women are smart committed justice advocates but feelings, emotions can get the better of us.

Please reconcile ladies for the sake of everyone and to let Canadians know we are a movement full of respectful professionals capable of running our public institutions.  We will never be free if we cannot advocate honourably.

also available:

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