Taking Back Canada: The Redneck Conservative | Peter MacIsaac

Taking Back Canada: The Redneck Conservative | Peter MacIsaac

Leftist ideologies have become so pervasive in our country that today many of us, even conservatives, are afraid to say what we really think. And it’s not just that we might be cancelled, or that we’ll offend our left-leaning friends and family. For many conservatives today, they’re afraid of offending other conservatives.

But it is in exactly that environment that those with the courage to speak plainly thrive. Mostly because they are not afraid to say what the rest of us are thinking.

Peter MacIsaac grew up in small town Nova Scotia in the 60s and 70s. His family was poor, as was almost everyone else in town. Peter trapped and hunted with his father for food. He picked blueberries and sold them at 10 cents a quart. He did anything he could to secure a better life for himself, and never once did he expect a handout.

Life taught him, as it has for many of us, that the world owes us nothing.

But he also noticed that his hippy friends, who didn’t work, had their hands out as soon as Peter collected his earnings.

50 years later, Peter has written a book on where that has led. On the parasitical growth in Canada of what he refers to as ‘leftist libtards’ and how they are destroying a once great country. But more importantly, Peter’s book focuses on the values and actions that we as conservatives must preserve and practice to take back our country.

The book is The Redneck Conservative, and it’s an Amazon best seller. Here in his first full interview since the release of the book, is Peter MacIsaac, The Redneck Conservative.


Taking Back Canada: The Redneck Conservative | Peter MacIsaac

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Taking Back Canada: The Redneck Conservative | Peter MacIsaac

Leftist ideologies have become so pervasive in our country that today many of us, even conservatives, are afraid to say what we really think. And it’s not just that we might be cancelled, or that we’ll offend our left-leaning friends and family. For many conservatives today, they’re afraid of offending other conservatives.

But it is in exactly that environment that those with the courage to speak plainly thrive. Mostly because they are not afraid to say what the rest of us are thinking.

Peter MacIsaac grew up in small town Nova Scotia in the 60s and 70s. His family was poor, as was almost everyone else in town. Peter trapped and hunted with his father for food. He picked blueberries and sold them at 10 cents a quart. He did anything he could to secure a better life for himself, and never once did he expect a handout.

Life taught him, as it has for many of us, that the world owes us nothing.

But he also noticed that his hippy friends, who didn’t work, had their hands out as soon as Peter collected his earnings.

50 years later, Peter has written a book on where that has led. On the parasitical growth in Canada of what he refers to as ‘leftist libtards’ and how they are destroying a once great country. But more importantly, Peter’s book focuses on the values and actions that we as conservatives must preserve and practice to take back our country.

The book is The Redneck Conservative, and it’s an Amazon best seller. Here in his first full interview since the release of the book, is Peter MacIsaac, The Redneck Conservative.

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