THE END OF THE ILLUSION - A Profound Opportunity with Honour & Privilege

Just because the majority of the masses does not understand that the illusion is melting, right beneath their feet, doesn't mean it isn't happening. There are many indicators that confirm that both the evacuation of evil and the full-hearted emergence of truth is reaching a conclusion, closer than one may suspect. The important factor in the removal of the charade (illusion) is the profound opportunity that this presents - when one is able to see things from this vantage point, the whole game is revealed.

former Truth Centre presence still online - Eleanor McBean book notes - "Empowerment" tab

THE END OF THE ILLUSION - A Profound Opportunity with Honour & Privilege

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Just because the majority of the masses does not understand that the illusion is melting, right beneath their feet, doesn't mean it isn't happening. There are many indicators that confirm that both the evacuation of evil and the full-hearted emergence of truth is reaching a conclusion, closer than one may suspect. The important factor in the removal of the charade (illusion) is the profound opportunity that this presents - when one is able to see things from this vantage point, the whole game is revealed.

former Truth Centre presence still online - Eleanor McBean book notes - "Empowerment" tab

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