The GREAT AWAKENING Masses Wake Up To Vaccine Genocide As Miscarriages Cancers and Deaths Skyrocket

The GREAT AWAKENING Masses Wake Up To Vaccine Genocide As Miscarriages Cancers and Deaths Skyrocket

Mirrored source: StewPeters Bitchute video channel

A great awakening is happening all across the planet. It’s an awakening to the truth about the pandemic and the fake, deadly "vaccine" they have forced onto the population in order to “treat” it.

We’re now over 14 million views for “Died Suddenly” between Rumble and YouTube. People who were tricked or browbeaten into getting the initial set of jabs are ignoring commands to get infinite boosters for the rest of their lives.

Of course, not everybody is really happy about this happening.

Category: Health & Medical

The GREAT AWAKENING Masses Wake Up To Vaccine Genocide As Miscarriages Cancers and Deaths Skyrocket

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The GREAT AWAKENING Masses Wake Up To Vaccine Genocide As Miscarriages Cancers and Deaths Skyrocket

Mirrored source: StewPeters Bitchute video channel

A great awakening is happening all across the planet. It’s an awakening to the truth about the pandemic and the fake, deadly "vaccine" they have forced onto the population in order to “treat” it.

We’re now over 14 million views for “Died Suddenly” between Rumble and YouTube. People who were tricked or browbeaten into getting the initial set of jabs are ignoring commands to get infinite boosters for the rest of their lives.

Of course, not everybody is really happy about this happening.

Category: Health & Medical

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