The Growing Threat of Digital ID in Canada - Hatim Kheir, Barrister JCCF

Hatim Kheir, a Barrister with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) reveals how the Canadian government is already using Digital ID technologies to monitor your behaviour, how this is eroding your rights and freedoms and where it will end up. This broadcast is hosted by Alan Brough, Executive Director of Canada Health Alliance.

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms:


Vaccine Choice Canada is now pleased to be working in collaboration with Canada Health Alliance, Children’s Health Defense Canada, Canadian Frontline Nurses and Mama Bears Project. 

Vaccine Choice Canada:

Canada Health Alliance:

Children’s Health Defense Canada:

Canadian Frontline Nurses:

Mama Bears Project:

Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 

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The Growing Threat of Digital ID in Canada - Hatim Kheir, Barrister JCCF

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Hatim Kheir, a Barrister with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) reveals how the Canadian government is already using Digital ID technologies to monitor your behaviour, how this is eroding your rights and freedoms and where it will end up. This broadcast is hosted by Alan Brough, Executive Director of Canada Health Alliance.

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms:


Vaccine Choice Canada is now pleased to be working in collaboration with Canada Health Alliance, Children’s Health Defense Canada, Canadian Frontline Nurses and Mama Bears Project. 

Vaccine Choice Canada:

Canada Health Alliance:

Children’s Health Defense Canada:

Canadian Frontline Nurses:

Mama Bears Project:

Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 

Stay informed by joining today:

HELP OTHERS by sharing our Vaccine Regret link with loved ones/colleagues/health care providers, everyone!

Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canada

You can find our videos on:

VCC’s NEW Podcast Channel:

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