THE "INNOCENTS" - A Large Demographic

Understanding the 'mechanism' before us all is important to navigate our way through it. This video brings to light a large segment of our population that operate within the confines of the establishment and how their intent & karma play a part. Keeping a high calibration is possible & useful when we see clearly what is occurring.

BitChute -

David Hawkins chart - "17 Levels of Consciousness" & "God's Spotlight" document -


THE "INNOCENTS" - A Large Demographic

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Understanding the 'mechanism' before us all is important to navigate our way through it. This video brings to light a large segment of our population that operate within the confines of the establishment and how their intent & karma play a part. Keeping a high calibration is possible & useful when we see clearly what is occurring.

BitChute -

David Hawkins chart - "17 Levels of Consciousness" & "God's Spotlight" document -

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