THE TRUTH CENTRE - 2649 Highway 3, Keremeos, B.C. Canada - An Introductory Video

This video summarises our Truth Centre and the life time of research that it contains. This research has been completed for the protection of myself and my family. It was released to the public in April 2020 due to the fact that I was included in the globalist plan of oppression through falsehood. Peace & freedom comes from Truth and this information is available to all who may wish to use it.


THE TRUTH CENTRE - 2649 Highway 3, Keremeos, B.C. Canada - An Introductory Video

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This video summarises our Truth Centre and the life time of research that it contains. This research has been completed for the protection of myself and my family. It was released to the public in April 2020 due to the fact that I was included in the globalist plan of oppression through falsehood. Peace & freedom comes from Truth and this information is available to all who may wish to use it.

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