The WHO Amendments: Back from the Dead | James Roguski

The WHO Amendments: Back from the Dead | James Roguski

A week ago people around the world were celebrating a great victory. The WHO amendments to the International Health Regulations had not passed. The globalist mechanism for totalitarian control had been defeated.

In this interview, James clarifies many misconceptions.

Such as the erroneous idea that the amendments will give WHO Director General Tedros Ghebreyusus the authority not only to declare a pandemic, but to dictate health measures such as lockdowns and mandatory vaccines to member countries. Such a clause was never in the amendments.

Are the WHO amendments and the international treaty, which was not ratified, a globalist control mechanism after all? Or are they simply the business plan of very wealthy people who want to use fearmongering, gain of function research, and the WHO’s authority to declare a pandemic as tools to further enrich themselves.

And if it’s the latter, how concerned about the amendments should we be?

The answer, as you will learn in this interview, is that we should be very concerned. But we are not without the tools to fight back. However, any successful campaign requires a full understanding of the enemy’s battle plan.

This interview is nothing less than the battle plan of the globalists revealed.


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The WHO Amendments: Back from the Dead | James Roguski

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The WHO Amendments: Back from the Dead | James Roguski

A week ago people around the world were celebrating a great victory. The WHO amendments to the International Health Regulations had not passed. The globalist mechanism for totalitarian control had been defeated.

In this interview, James clarifies many misconceptions.

Such as the erroneous idea that the amendments will give WHO Director General Tedros Ghebreyusus the authority not only to declare a pandemic, but to dictate health measures such as lockdowns and mandatory vaccines to member countries. Such a clause was never in the amendments.

Are the WHO amendments and the international treaty, which was not ratified, a globalist control mechanism after all? Or are they simply the business plan of very wealthy people who want to use fearmongering, gain of function research, and the WHO’s authority to declare a pandemic as tools to further enrich themselves.

And if it’s the latter, how concerned about the amendments should we be?

The answer, as you will learn in this interview, is that we should be very concerned. But we are not without the tools to fight back. However, any successful campaign requires a full understanding of the enemy’s battle plan.

This interview is nothing less than the battle plan of the globalists revealed.


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