Time to Talk Solutions. Goodbye Fast Fashion, hello Made to Order.

We need solutions. I was speaking to my father this morning, and it occurred to us both that it is time to think solutions. All hands on deck. How do I contribute to a better world? I design bamboo cotton knit clothing. I am made to order, so there is next to no waste. We know who the controllers are, and in my opinion, united non compliance is the answer. So we can all ask ourselves, Why am I here in this time in history? How do I contribute to a better world?

Blessings to us all.


Time to Talk Solutions. Goodbye Fast Fashion, hello Made to Order.

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We need solutions. I was speaking to my father this morning, and it occurred to us both that it is time to think solutions. All hands on deck. How do I contribute to a better world? I design bamboo cotton knit clothing. I am made to order, so there is next to no waste. We know who the controllers are, and in my opinion, united non compliance is the answer. So we can all ask ourselves, Why am I here in this time in history? How do I contribute to a better world?

Blessings to us all.


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