Tony Olienick Of Coutts 4 Joins Show Calling In From Jail To Set The Record Straight About A Charge There Is Misinformation About. Please Listen To Him And Share. FIRST Interview Since Being Found NOT Guilty OF Conspiracy To Commit Murder

FIRST Interview Since Being Found NOT Guilty By Jury Of Conspiracy To Commit Murder...Tony Olienick of the Coutts 4 Liberal government's political prisoners in Canada calls in from jail to explain his relief, but clears up some misinformation being spread by indie media about one of the lesser charges. Tony awaits the news on when he will be able to get out of jail, after a fairy tale was spun about him by the Canadian RCMP for the Canadian Crown/Liberal Gov. To help Tony and/or Chris get back on their feet for serving time for Canadians: and even 4$ makes a difference if we all pull together.

*Contact my very AWAKE friend & financial investment advisor Adrian Spitters to get information on how to invest/capitalize on the massive amounts of homes being built in Canada to help you with inflation/wealth building (just info/no pressure) Email: Web: him Odessa sent you.

*Don't get caught with your pants down. Buy your gold and silver at

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To purchase the amazing itera device... the link for the website is:

*Get rid of the the toxic geoeng!neering spray that is all over your veggies by having your own tower garden in your home or on your covered deck. Checkout the amazing Tower Gardens here: as well as WHOLE fruit and vegetable supplements (Non GMO) with a 2 year shelf life at

*Or just help keep this show going! If you appreciate my hard work you can buy me a coffee at: (e -transfer). Credit card donation at or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at PO Box #45012 at 4326 Dunbar St, Vancouver, BC V6S 2G0

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twitter: @odessaorlewicz

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Tony Olienick Of Coutts 4 Joins Show Calling In From Jail To Set The Record Straight About A Charge There Is Misinformation About. Please Listen To Him And Share. FIRST Interview Since Being Found NOT Guilty OF Conspiracy To Commit Murder

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FIRST Interview Since Being Found NOT Guilty By Jury Of Conspiracy To Commit Murder...Tony Olienick of the Coutts 4 Liberal government's political prisoners in Canada calls in from jail to explain his relief, but clears up some misinformation being spread by indie media about one of the lesser charges. Tony awaits the news on when he will be able to get out of jail, after a fairy tale was spun about him by the Canadian RCMP for the Canadian Crown/Liberal Gov. To help Tony and/or Chris get back on their feet for serving time for Canadians: and even 4$ makes a difference if we all pull together.

*Contact my very AWAKE friend & financial investment advisor Adrian Spitters to get information on how to invest/capitalize on the massive amounts of homes being built in Canada to help you with inflation/wealth building (just info/no pressure) Email: Web: him Odessa sent you.

*Don't get caught with your pants down. Buy your gold and silver at

*FULL super informative episode about the AC50 Browns gas Hydrogen machine here : and see the AC50 hydrogen device at and use the promo code "liberty" for a 5% discount .

To purchase the amazing itera device... the link for the website is:

*Get rid of the the toxic geoeng!neering spray that is all over your veggies by having your own tower garden in your home or on your covered deck. Checkout the amazing Tower Gardens here: as well as WHOLE fruit and vegetable supplements (Non GMO) with a 2 year shelf life at

*Or just help keep this show going! If you appreciate my hard work you can buy me a coffee at: (e -transfer). Credit card donation at or by cheque made out to "Van Corp Ent" at PO Box #45012 at 4326 Dunbar St, Vancouver, BC V6S 2G0

Follow my shows at:

twitter: @odessaorlewicz

FB: Odessa Orlewicz

Telegram @LibertyTalkCanada

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